Turn on your Invis-O-Power!

Check it out! For perhaps the second time in my life, I found something really cool at a second-hand store. Maybe I can even sell it on E-bay for a profit. It's a VHS with 5 episodes of the original Space Ghost cartoon series from 1966.
Space Ghost is an intergalactic crime fighter with two teenage sibling helpers and a monkey named Blip. Basically the plot of each episode is: the teenagers get in trouble, Space Ghost comes and rescues them, and the monkey does something cute.
Great stuff! For those of you not familiar with Space Ghost, he now stars in Space Ghost: Coast to Coast, which is a chat show that he hosts, along with his band leader Zorak (featured in episode 3 of my video) and director Moltar. It is very oddball, late night stuff on the Cartoon Network.
So anyway, Jen and I have now been married for 2 years. Hooray for us! We went to Piperdam, which is where our reception was held, for a meal yesterday. It was yummy. Jen was sentimental and had a great time, I was hungry and had the pork chops.
On a more serious note, Jen has been having more trouble at work. It seems that one of the consultants has it in for her, since she is a conscientious objector to working in the termination Suite, which is where abortions are performed at the hospital. The senior doctors can't seem to grasp the idea that removing a placenta after an abortion is still part of the abortion. This is the line that Jen has drawn on her involvement. Apart from these trials, Jen really enjoys Ob-Gyn work.
Okay, that's all for now. Hopefully my next post will be about a new job for me. Either that or I will start a log of how much I shrink this month under the weight of Christmas packages. By the way, the wart is gone!