My mum's been desperate to climb Schiehallion, Scotland's most central Munro, for some time. As father has done his back in I decided it would be nice if the pair of us took on the challenge. We left Dad and Dave to some fishing at Kenmore on the river Tay and headed up the mountain from the Braes of Foss car park. the first half of the ascent was fine, quite steep in places but nothing too bad or unexpected. The second half was more interesting as the footpath stops and you have to scramble over scree and boulders for around a mile and a half before you reach the summit. All and all a great day.
Mum pointing out where we were!
Struggling with the self timer function on the camera (Loch Tummel in the background)
Mum on the (long) boulder field.
Mum at the summit - stoked to have made it through all those boulders with two intact ankle joints!
Jen at the summit