Ski Italia 2009...

The Matterhorn from the air!

Snowboard world cup (2006 Torino Olympics halfpipe)

Got back from Bardonecchia on Sunday after a week of skiing with Elena and Jamie Maddox (Elena was in my year at medical school). Bardonecchia is about an hours drive from Turin and was the site of the snowboarding in the 2006 winter olympics. We had loads of snow - more than normal for the time of year. Locals were shoveling it off their roofs as it was so thick! We had two sunny days which were lovely but, despite the snow coming down, we were out skiing every day. Unfortunately Dave fell on a ski on the first day wich resulted in an ambulance ride and 4 stitches in an Italian hospital! He actually didn't realise he'd done it - he fell, thought he had ripped his trousers and continued to ski 3 more runs before we stopped for coffee and he realised he had ripped his leg as well! The snowboard World Cup was being held in the resort whilst we were there - quite an experience watching them on the half pipe!